Article information

2007 , Volume 12, Special issue, p.140-153

Cherkashin A.K.

Methodical ontology of theecological-geographical knowledge stratification

A knowledge presentation model is suggested in terms of product-stratification in the knowledge space. Three types of knowledge are considered as follows: tangent (theoretical), spherical (model) and normal (hierarchical) types of knowledge. This multiplication-stratification approach models the law of universal connection (connectedness) of knowledge, and specifies the structure of the knowledge space. Theories (systemic ontologies) arise as tangent planes at the tangency point of a sphere corresponding to the basic notions and laws (axioms) of a given theory. All points (elements of the stratification base, the core of axiomatics) are connected via interpretation of the basic notions and laws. By the way of example, using this regularity, we construct the core of the theory of functional systems which is employed to annotate scientific texts containing fundamental ecological-geographical knowledge, and construct adequate models of knowledge.

[full text]

Cherkashin A.K.
Address: Russia, Irkutsk

Bibliography link:
Cherkashin A.K. Methodical ontology of theecological-geographical knowledge stratification // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. Special issue. P. 140-153
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