Article information

2007 , Volume 12, Special issue, p.70-78

Kadochnikov A.A.

Software for analytic information system based on GIS Internet-server

Internet seems to be a powerful environment for cartography information dissimilation for digital maps. Accessibility of resources to the Internet users urges the implementation of solutions based on the GIS and Internet integration. Spatially distributed data are rather abundant. Here the visualization of topical information becomes of a great value. Analysis of the up-to-date situation unambiguously allows developing an information system. Such system must incorporate the technology of complex processing, storage and representation of cartography data in the Internet. Generalization, analysis and classification of data make the first stage in cartography server development. The original material is provided by various researches, industry, etc. The second stage consists of the representation of the gathered information into GIS. GIS is based on the issues of spatial objects and relations among them. The tools of graphical presentation are also an important part of GIS core. A presentation of this information in the Internet in a form of table, charts, digital maps, etc. is the third stage. Special GIS Internet-atlas must be implemented for these purposes.

[full text]

Kadochnikov A.A.
Office: Institut Computing Simulation of SB RAS
Address: 660036, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok
Phone Office: (3912)431515

Bibliography link:
Kadochnikov A.A. Software for analytic information system based on GIS Internet-server // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. Special issue. P. 70-78
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