Article information

2007 , Volume 12, Special issue, p.54-64

Lagutin A.A., Lagutin A.A., Shmakov I.A., Nikulin Y.A.

A specialized GIS for an efficient monitoring of the environment and prediction of natural hazards on a given territory

We propose a specialized GIS for the near real-time monitoring of the environment on a territory and prediction of the sources of natural disasters. The structure of the proposed GIS and its subsystems is discussed. The operation of a number of its modules is demonstrated.

[full text]

Lagutin Anatoly Alekseevich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Chair
Office: Altai State University
Address: 656049, Russia, Barnaul, Lenin avenue, 61
Phone Office: (3852) 29 66 68
SPIN-code: 3713-0024

Lagutin A.A.
Position: Student
Address: Russia, Barnaul, Barnaul, Lenin avenue, 61
Phone Office: (3852) 36 70 75

Shmakov I.A.
Position: Student
Address: Russia, Barnaul, Barnaul, Lenin avenue, 61
Phone Office: (3852) 36 70 75

Nikulin Yu.A.
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Address: Russia, Barnaul, Barnaul, Lenin avenue, 61
Phone Office: (3852) 36 70 75

Bibliography link:
Lagutin A.A., Lagutin A.A., Shmakov I.A., Nikulin Y.A. A specialized GIS for an efficient monitoring of the environment and prediction of natural hazards on a given territory // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. Special issue 3. GIS and Web Technologies for Interdisciplinary Studies. Proceedings of the SB RAS Research Program 4.5.2. Issue I. . P. 54-64
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