Article information

2007 , Volume 12, Special issue, p.4-9

Abdibekov U.S., Jumagulov B.T., Surapbergtnov B.

Numerical simulation of turbulent flow by LES method

This research addresses a development of a numerical algorithm for modeling of turbulent flows using large eddy simulation approach. The authors have developed a method for solving the 3D Poisson equation for pressure field using a combination of the Fourier method for one coordinate and the Thomas algorithm for the 2D Fourier coefficients. Several problems have been solved using the proposed algorithm. The results of numerical simulations were compared with the experimental data.

[full text]

Abdibekov U S
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Chair
Address: Kazakhstan, Almatu

Jumagulov B T
Dr. , Professor
Position: Chancellor
Office: Kazakh national university named by Al-Farabi
Address: Kazakhstan, Almatu

Surapbergtnov B.
Address: Kazakhstan, Almatu

Bibliography link:
Abdibekov U.S., Jumagulov B.T., Surapbergtnov B. Numerical simulation of turbulent flow by LES method // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. Special issue 4. P. 4-9
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