Article information

2008 , Volume 13, Special issue, p.52-59

Morokov Y.N.

Modelling of falling rocket fuel residues in the atmosphere

A further development of the model of a falling ensemble of evaporating rocket fuel drops in the atmosphere is presented. The new model allows considering an emission of fuel at any moment, starting from the moment of a rocket stage separation at high altitudes. Consecutive dynamic modelling of trajectories of falling fuel drops in the atmosphere is presented. Results of calculations illustrate that an emission of the fuel residues from a rocket stage at high attitudes when the stage has still sufficiently high speed, solves the problem of elimination of the ecological risks related to pollution of the terrestrial surface by the rocket fuel residues. Numerical modelling of time evolution of a vapour cloud, formed due to the evaporation of falling drops of fuel in the atmosphere is also considered. The problem has its own specifics as both the localized moving source (a falling rocket stage) and the distributed moving source (falling evaporating drops) are taken into account. An opportunity of the application of a universal method of construction of adaptive grids, based on the numerical solution of the inverted Beltrami and diffusion equations is considered in this problem.

[full text]

Morokov Yu.N.
Address: Russia, Novosibirsk

Bibliography link:
Morokov Y.N. Modelling of falling rocket fuel residues in the atmosphere // Computational technologies. 2008. V. 13. Special issue 2. P. 52-59
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