Article information

2008 , Volume 13, Special issue, p.124-129

Martynova Y.V.

Estimation of influence of the vegetation variations on dynamics of temperature and humidity in the Northern Hemisphere during 21 century

This paper addresses an investigation of the feedback between the average forest vegetation quantity, the land cover temperature and soil wetness. We also study the feedback between surface albedo and land cover temperature, and soil wetness due to a variation of the CO2 concentration according to IPCC scenarios A1B and A2. The purpose of this study is an estimation of the sensitivity of the surface temperature and soil wetness to the forest vegetation and surface albedo variations in the Northern Hemisphere. Investigations have been carried out using the climate system model atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-land cover (PlanetSimulator MPI, Germany) using the specified climate scenarios.

[full text]

Martynova YuliaV.
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: SibRHMI, Roshydromet
Address: 630099, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 222 25 30

Bibliography link:
Martynova Y.V. Estimation of influence of the vegetation variations on dynamics of temperature and humidity in the Northern Hemisphere during 21 century // Computational technologies. 2008. V. 13. Special issue 3. P. 124-129
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