Article information

2008 , Volume 13, Special issue, p.75-81

Lazareva S.A.

Approximation properties of the Fedorenko finite super element method

This paper addresses a development of the Fedorenko finite super element method (FSEM). A priori error estimates are obtained; saturability of the method in Sobolev spaces is determined. The conditions leading to the derivatives convergence are indicated, corresponding error estimates are given. Regularity and accuracy of the numerical solution on the Sobolev class of functions are shown. The investigation deals with the Dirichlet problem, but can be extended over a general class of linear elliptic problems.

[full text]
Keywords: Fedorenko finite superelement method, sharp inhomogenities, a priori error estimates, saturability, regularity

Lazareva SvetlanaA.
Position: Student
Office: Bauman MSTU
Address: Russia, Moscow

Bibliography link:
Lazareva S.A. Approximation properties of the Fedorenko finite super element method // Computational technologies. 2008. V. 13. Special issue 4. P. 75-81
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