Article information

2009 , Volume 14, ¹ 3, p.69-78

Rychkov A.D., Miloshevic H.

Modeling of work of filling granular filter for cooling of high-temperature combustion products of solid propellant gas generator

The process of cooling of high-temperature combustion products of a solid propellant of a gas generator was investigated numerically for the case of granular filled filters. Usage of so-called active filters is of particular interest as its material can gasify during the heat absorption process. The products of gasification have low temperature that leads to more intensive cooling of the combustion products. Passive filled filters can cool down the combustion products solely due to the absorption of heat. The main goal of this work is to investigate temperature on the exit of filters, which is an important characteristic of active and passive filters.

[full text]
Keywords: mathematical modeling, two-phase flows, heat-mass exchange

Rychkov Aleksandr Dmitrievich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Address: 63009, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 330 86 56

Miloshevic Hranislav
Dr. , Professor
Office: Faculty of natural science and mathematics
Address: 38220, Serbia, Kosovska Mitrovica, I.L. Ribar bb
Phone Office: (38111) 2146464

Bibliography link:
Rychkov A.D., Miloshevic H. Modeling of work of filling granular filter for cooling of high-temperature combustion products of solid propellant gas generator // Computational technologies. 2009. V. 14. ¹ 3. P. 69-78
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