Article information

2011 , Volume 16, ¹ 2, p.86-97

Lukaschik E.P.

Transition characteristics of a massive thin wing in a limited flow

In this article two non-stationary problems for limited flows are addressed. The first one deals with the motion of a finite span wing in an incompressible fluid, the second one addresses the motion of a thin profile into a subsonic flow. Offered models take into account the movements of a wing as a solid body. On the base of the discrete peculiarity method and temporal discretisation of non-stationary process a numerical scheme for the calculation of transition characteristics was developed.

[full text]
Keywords: transition characteristic, Wagners problem, wingspan, screen effect, discrete peculiarities, subsonic flow

Lukaschik Elena Pavlovna
PhD. , Associate Professor
Office: Kuban State University
Address: 350066, Russia, Krasnodar

Bibliography link:
Lukaschik E.P. Transition characteristics of a massive thin wing in a limited flow // Computational technologies. 2011. V. 16. ¹ 2. P. 86-97
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