Article information

2012 , Volume 17, ¹ 2, p.43-59

Dimitrienko Y.I., Minin V.V., Syzdykov E.K.

Numerical modeling of heat-mass-transfer and stress kinetics in thermodestructing composite shells

A model for thermo mechanical processes in composite thin-walled shells exposed to high temperatures has been developed that takes the thermodestruction into account. A computational method for the determination of thermal stresses of internal heat and mass transfer in composite thermodestructing shells has been suggested. The approach relies on the finite-element method for the shell theory and the method of a small parameter aligned with the step-by-step finite-difference method for the equations of internal heat and mass transfer. Computations conducted for thermal stresses in a composite shell of parabolic type under local laser heating have shown that even comparatively low intensity heating leads to a thermomechanical destruction of composite structures. The effect appears due to a sufficiently low interlayer strength of composites under high temperatures. The method for estimation of a threshold level of thermodestruction has been suggested.

[full text]
Keywords: composite shells, thermodestruction, strength, finite-element method

Dimitrienko Yuriy Ivanovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Chair
Office: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: 105005, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5
Phone Office: (499) 263-64-45

Minin Valery Vladimirovich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: 105005, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5
Phone Office: (499) 263-60-18

Syzdykov Eltugan Kimashevich
Position: Deputy director
Office: OAO GosMKB Raduga by A.Ya. Bereznyak
Address: 141980, Russia, Dubna, St. Zhukovskogo, 2A
Phone Office: (495) 777-07-20

Bibliography link:
Dimitrienko Y.I., Minin V.V., Syzdykov E.K. Numerical modeling of heat-mass-transfer and stress kinetics in thermodestructing composite shells // Computational technologies. 2012. V. 17. ¹ 2. P. 43-59
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