Article information

2012 , Volume 17, ¹ 3, p.13-23

Bashurov V.V.

On invariance of type of quasi-linear partial differential equations

We consider a system of linear partial differential equations written in a moving coordinate system. Relation between the moving and fixed coordinate systems is realized by a quasi-linear equation for the moving velocity vector. It is shown that the type of system generally depends on the additional equation for the velocity of the moving vector. A theorem on sufficient conditions to conserve the type of initial system of differential equations written in Cartesian coordinates is proved.

[full text]
Keywords: system of quasi-linear partial differential equations, differential equation type, type invariance

Bashurov Vladimir Vitalyevich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Center for Environmental and technological monitoring
Address: 456080, Russia, Trechgornyi
Phone Office: (35191) 42755

Bibliography link:
Bashurov V.V. On invariance of type of quasi-linear partial differential equations // Computational technologies. 2012. V. 17. ¹ 3. P. 13-23
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