Article information

2013 , Volume 18, ¹ 2, p.62-71

Panichkin A.V., Varepo L.G.

Numerical calculation of motion of a small volume of viscous incompressible fluid between rotated cylinders

We address modeling of initial flow of a finite volume of a viscous incompressible fluid with free boundaries placed between rotated cylinders for Reynolds numbers from 1 to 100. Calculations were performed on a two-dimensional uniform grid with the help of finite difference methods. The numerical calculations for motion of free boundaries were investigated for various values of viscosity, with the help of moving boundary nodes on node lines on a fixed grid.

[full text]
Keywords: modeling, incompressible viscous liquid, number of Reynolds, finite-difference grid, Navier-Stoks equation, offset printing

Panichkin Alexey Vasilievich
PhD. , Senior Scientist
Office: Omsk filial of Sobolev Mathematics Institute SB RAS
Address: 644043, Russia, Omsk, Pevtsova, 13
Phone Office: (3812) 23-67-39

Varepo Larisa Grigorievna
PhD. , Associate Professor
Office: Moskow State University of Seal of Ivan Fedorov
Address: 127550, Russia, Moscow, av.Pryanishnikova,2A

Bibliography link:
Panichkin A.V., Varepo L.G. Numerical calculation of motion of a small volume of viscous incompressible fluid between rotated cylinders // Computational technologies. 2013. V. 18. ¹ 2. P. 62-71
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