An algorithm for numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations for the two-dimensional motion of a viscous heat-conducting gas is proposed. The discretization of the equations is done using a combination of the method of trajectories for the substantial derivative and the finite element method with piecewise-bilinear basis functions for other terms. The results of numerical studies are presented for the structure of a supersonic flow in a flat channel in its step expansion zone for a wide range of Mach and Reynolds numbers. Velocity and pressure fields are investigated along with the vortex structure of the circulation flow in the domain after the step.
Shaydurov Alexandr AlexeevichPhD. , Associate Professor
Office: Altai Academy of Economics and Law
Address: 656038, Russia, Barnaul, 86, Komsomolsky prospect
Shchepanovskaya Galina IvanovnPhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Institut Computing Simulation of SB RAS
Address: 660036, Russia, Krasnoyarsk 36, Akademgorodok 50, building 44
Phone Office: (391)2907471
Yakubovich Maxim ViktorovichPosition: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Institut Computing Simulation of SB RAS
Address: 660036, Russia, Krasnoyarsk 36, Akademgorodok 50, building 44
Phone Office: (391)2907471