Article information

2013 , Volume 18, ¹ 5, p.3-15

Bautin S.P., Deryabin S.L.

Existence and uniqueness theorems for nonlinear-dispersive Green-Naghdi equations

Green-Naghdi equations are considered within the framework of one nonlinear-dispersion model for long waves. The theorem for the existence and uniqueness of the analytical solutions for the 1D nondegenerate initial boundary problems is proved. Exact solutions of the initial boundary problems with various boundary conditions were constructed in the form of converging series. These solutions can be used to test numerical results.

[full text]
Keywords: nonlinear-dispersive equations Green-Naghdi, characteristic Cauchy problem , theorems of the existence and uniqueness, converging series, exact solutions

Bautin Sergey Petrovich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Snezhinsk Institute of Physics and Technology National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Address: 456776, Russia, Snezhinsk, Komsomol str., 8
Phone Office: (343) 221 25 49
SPIN-code: 4343-3821

Deryabin Sergey Lvovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Ural state university of railway transport
Address: 620034, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Kolmogorov st., 66
Phone Office: (343)2-21-24-04

Bibliography link:
Bautin S.P., Deryabin S.L. Existence and uniqueness theorems for nonlinear-dispersive Green-Naghdi equations // Computational technologies. 2013. V. 18. ¹ 5. P. 3-15
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