Article information

2013 , Volume 18, ¹ 5, p.91-101

Panin S.V., Titkov V.V., Lyubutin P.S.

Computationally effective three dimensional recursive algorithm for calculation of the translation vectors in the optical method for assessment of deformations

An approach to reduce computational costs and simultaneously enhance of noise immunity for construction of the displacement vector fieldis proposed. The approach is based on 3DRS algorithm and incremental technique for the computation of displacements in the image series. The estimates for computational costs at the combined use of the mentioned algorithms under processing of model and experimental images are obtained. Their noise immunity for determination of the displacements were compared with the incremental algorithm used for optical flow calculation. Based on the computational results we offer the recommendations on the computation parameters that provide substantial increase of operation speed and noise immunity for the construction of the displacement vectors.

[full text]
Keywords: computational costs, incremental algorithm, displacement vector, noise immunity

Panin Sergey Viktorovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Address: 634021, Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3822)286-904

Titkov Vladimir Viktorovich
Position: Student
Office: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS
Address: 634021, Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3822)286-899

Lyubutin Pavel Stepanovich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS
Address: 634021, Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3822)286-889

Bibliography link:
Panin S.V., Titkov V.V., Lyubutin P.S. Computationally effective three dimensional recursive algorithm for calculation of the translation vectors in the optical method for assessment of deformations // Computational technologies. 2013. V. 18. ¹ 5. P. 91-101
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