Article information

2014 , Volume 19, ¹ 4, p.3-18

Bocharov O.B., Kushnir D.Y.

Numerical algorithms analysis of joint fluid flow modeling in formation, perforation tunnels and a borehole

A numerical algorithm for computation of a fluid flow into a borehole through a system of perforation tunnels is proposed. The algorithm considers filtration in a porous medium, flow in perforation tunnels and a borehole. The porous medium filtration is described in the full, three dimensional formulation, and the perforation tunnels and borehole fluid flow equations are hydraulic-approximated. Matching conditions for the joint algorithm are described. A comparison of some algorithms for modeling laminar and turbulent tunnel and borehole flow regimes is presented. The effective algorithm for computation of the joint fluid flow in a formation, perforation tunnels and a borehole has been developed. The algorithm is based on an analysis of schemes for conjugating three- and one-dimensional models. This algorithm is appropriate for industrial optimization of oil production through a system of perforation tunnels. Using the algorithm we have analyzed the perforation tunnels and borehole flow influence on the whole system productivity. It is pointed out that the convective fluid transport slightly influences on the whole system productivity under the operational conditions. The analysis demonstrates that the tunnels and borehole cleanness effects on the productivity in a stronger manner that the pressure regime.

Received 29 April 2014.

[full text]
Keywords: Filtration in porous medium, hydraulic approach, perforation tunnel, borehole, multicomponent mathematical models, consistent numerical algorithms, matching conditions

Bocharov Oleg Borisovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Baker Hughes Incorporation
Address: 630128, Russia, Novosibirsk, Kutateladze 4a
Phone Office: (383) 3329443

Kushnir Dmitry Yurievich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Baker Hughes Incorporation
Address: 630128, Russia, Novosibirsk, Kutateladze 4a
Phone Office: (383) 3329443

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Bibliography link:
Bocharov O.B., Kushnir D.Y. Numerical algorithms analysis of joint fluid flow modeling in formation, perforation tunnels and a borehole // Computational technologies. 2014. V. 19. ¹ 4. P. 3-18
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