Article information

2014 , Volume 19, ¹ 6, p.95-107

Emikh V.N.

Theoretical and numerical analysis in boundary-value problems of filtration

Purpose: The main objective of the paper is to discuss the role of modern computer technologies in establishing a new direction in subterranean hydrodynamics: multiparameter boundary-value problems of seepage flows with moving boundaries towards horizontal drains. Originality: The specific of such problems is the presence of critical regimes of drainage prior to destabilization of the flow. These regimes establish restriction to draining intensity and determine frameworks for investigation of the flow within the described boundary-value problem. Methodology: Particular attention has been given to intercommunication of analytic approaches and numerical computations in mathematic simulation of seepage flows. Major computer codes used in this study are described in the special section of the paper. Computation technologies play the leading part in determination of unknown conformal mapping parameters which are instrumental in construction for solution of the problem. Findings: The author’s elaborations have been illustrated on two boundary-value problems of filtration with drainage. In the first one, the stationary plane filtration in a fresh groundwater fringe above immovable saline water with uniform infiltration is studied. Specific of such flows consist of the presence of two unknown moving boundaries: the depression curve and the interface between fresh and saline water. The second problem deals with construction and investigation of the mathematical model addressed the flow of ground water from surface of the Earth over a vertical impermeable screen. The flow in this case intercepts with a drain located on the screen surface. For both problems, the hydrodynamic nets are presented which contain clear information on the flow structure.

[full text]
Keywords: Boundary-value problem, conformal mapping parameters, horizontal drainage, moving boundaries, critical regimes of flow

Emikh Vladimir Nikolaevich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Lavrentev Institute of Hydrodynamics Siberian Division Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 3331359

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Bibliography link:
Emikh V.N. Theoretical and numerical analysis in boundary-value problems of filtration // Computational technologies. 2014. V. 19. ¹ 6. P. 95-107
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