Article information

2015 , Volume 20, ¹ 1, p.25-37

Glinskikh V.N., Gorbatenko V.A.

Electromagnetic logging data inversion on GPU

The paper deals with the development of algorithms and software for processing of electrical logging data and interpretation on GPUs. The traditional scheme for solving the inverse problem of borehole geoelectrics is based on the targeted search of model parameters. It includes experimental and simulated data matching, and utilizes iterative solution of the direct problem. Ambiguous relationship between electromagnetic field characteristics and geological medium properties along with inaccuracy of measured data leads to imprecise determination of parameters in the resulting model. As a result, instead of an unique solution there are a great number of equivalent models that can be described by quasi-solution areas in the inverse problem. For creating such quasi-solution areas, we use a complete enumeration of model parameters. However, a sequential computing algorithm is utterly resource-intensive but inefficient. Substantial improvement of computational efficiency may be achieved with the help of a parallel algorithm on multiprocessors. We have implemented a parallel algorithm for the numerical solution of the electromagnetic logging of two-dimensional inverse problem on GPUs, which utilizes NVIDIA CUDA technology. Along with that, we have revealed various approaches to the optimization of the GPU parallel algorithm, based on detailed analysis of computational performance and efficiency for different memory types. The processing speed and performance of the optimized version of the parallel algorithm on NVIDIA GPUs with architectures of different generations (Kepler, Fermi, Tesla) are estimated. It is shown that implementation of this up-to-date GPU parallel algorithm speeds up calculations by a factor of 1400 and increases performance up to 530 Gflops in comparison with the identical sequential algorithm. In addition, we have performed the numerical inversion of noisy synthetic data and carried out the comparative analysis of the inverse problem quasi-solution areas in complex-structure geologic models. Using the developed algorithm the electrical conductivities of invasion zones and non-invaded beds are reconstructed, which includes the estimation of inversion errors.

[full text]
Keywords: parallel computations, GPU, NVIDIA CUDA technology, inverse problem, electromagnetic logging, electrical conductivity

Glinskikh Viacheslav Nikolaevich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 3304505

Gorbatenko Vadim Alexandrovich
Position: Student
Office: Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 3304505

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Bibliography link:
Glinskikh V.N., Gorbatenko V.A. Electromagnetic logging data inversion on GPU // Computational technologies. 2015. V. 20. ¹ 1. P. 25-37
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