Article information

1999 , Volume 4, ¹ 4, p.14-23

Karlyuk A.Y.

A numerical method for obtaining algebraic solutions to interval linear systems based on triangular decomposition

The paper investigates stationary single-step iteration methods for computing algebraic solutions to interval linear systems, which are based on the triangular decomposition of the matrix of this system. We derive conditions sufficient for the convergence of successive approximations as well as an estimate of the convergence speed.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*65F10 Iterative methods for linear systems
65G30 Interval and finite arithmetic
Classificator Computer Science:
*G.1.0 General (Numerical Analysis)
G.1.3 Numerical Linear Algebra

Keywords: interval linear system, one-step iteration methods, convergence, diagonally dominant interval matrices, complete interval arithmetic

Karlyuk A.Yu.
Office: Novisibirsk State University
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk

Bibliography link:
Karlyuk A.Y. A numerical method for obtaining algebraic solutions to interval linear systems based on triangular decomposition // Computational technologies. 1999. V. 4. ¹ 4. P. 14-23
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