Article information

1999 , Volume 4, ¹ 4, p.24-32

Kashevarova T.P.

The use of subdefinite computations technique for sensitivity analysis of mathematical models

In the paper, we consider the use of subdefinite computations technique for the sensitivity analysis of the solutions with respect to variations of parameters in mathematical models. The approach enables one to get guaranteed lower and upper bounds of the values of sensitivity function over finite ranges of the parameters as well as guaranteed bounds of the solution variation. The use of subdefinite computations leads to more accurate estimates of the difference sensitivity function when the solution is not monotonic and unique over the parameter domain.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*65G40 General methods in interval analysis
80A30 Chemical kinetics
92C45 Kinetics in biochemical problems (pharmacokinetics, enzyme kinetics, etc.)
Classificator Computer Science:
*G.1.0 General (Numerical Analysis)
G.1.5 Roots of Nonlinear Equations
G.1.7 Ordinary Differential Equations
J.2 Physical Sciences and Engineering (Computer Applications)

Keywords: uncertainty center method, analysis of experimental data, interval analysis, inconsistencies, chemical kinetics

Kashevarova Tamara Petrovna
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Russian research institute of artificial intelligence
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Lavrentiev ave., 6
Phone Office: (3832)342991

Bibliography link:
Kashevarova T.P. The use of subdefinite computations technique for sensitivity analysis of mathematical models // Computational technologies. 1999. V. 4. ¹ 4. P. 24-32
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