Article information
2015 , Volume 20, № 5, p.105-119
Fedoruk M.P., Sidelnikov O.S.
Algorithms for numerical simulation of optical communication links based on multimode fiber
Today more than 99 % of the global information flows are provided by the technology of fiber-optic communication. Exponentially increasing demand for communication lines capacity is a driving force for research in the high-capacity optical transmission systems. Using different technologies the data transfer rate of more than 100 Tb/s for transmission over a single mode fiber was achieved. However, further increasing of the capacity of a single mode fiber is difficult due to different limitations. The development of communication systems based on multimode fibers is now seen as a promising way to solve this problem. Multimode fibers can increase the capacity of optical systems due to the simultaneous transmission of signals in different modes of the fiber. The paper describes the basic equations of nonlinear propagation of optical signals in multimode fibers. Generalized Manakov equations describing the nonlinear propagation modes in the regimes of strong and weak coupling among spatial modes are given. The paper also describes the numerical methods for solving the equations of nonlinear propagation in multimode fibers. The main method of numerical simulation of multimode fiber optic link is the split-step Fourier method. Due to the simple implementation and high computing speed by using fast Fourier transform algorithm, this method is used in almost all the papers devoted to the numerical modeling of fiber-optic lines. However in some cases and with a large number of points in the time variable SSFM may concede finite difference schemes. Therefore the paper also provides compact high-order schemes for nonlinear Schrodinger equation and for NLSE with the first time derivative. The paper also presents some results of numerical calculations. First the numerical results of described schemes were compared with the exact solutions of nonlinear equations in the case of the propagation of one and two solitons. Then fiber-optic link was numerically simulated and bit error rate was compared depending on the number of propagating modes and the regimes of coupling.
[full text] Keywords: Nonlinear Schrodinger equation, split-step Fourier method, compact finitedifference scheme, nonlinear fiber optics, fiber-optic communication link, multimode fiber
Author(s): Fedoruk Mikhail PetrovichDr. , Academician RAS, Professor Position: Chancellor Office: Novosibirsk State University, Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, str. Pirogova, 2
Phone Office: (3832) 349105 E-mail: SPIN-code: 4929-8753 Sidelnikov Oleg SergeevichPosition: engineer Office: Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, 6, Acad. Lavrentjev avenue
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