Article information

2015 , Volume 20, ¹ 6, p.5-21

Gazaryan J.O., Kosolapov Y.V.

On the experimental estimation of the lower bound for the maximum number of messages in a scheme aimed at data protection against spoofing

Purpose: For a given protection scheme we estimate the lower bound of the maximum number of messages that may be signed by one fixed key (known for both sender and receiver). It is supposed that a channel between sender and receiver is noisy. The observer is supposed to get only the partial data from the pair (“message”, “signature”) and knows everything about message signing algorithm except of a signing key. Ģethodology: To solve this problem we apply some well-known results of the analysis for the resistance of a code noising to multiple monitoring that uses the data channel with erasures, which allowed, together with methods of mathematical statistics, a method to obtain the lower estimate of the maximum number of messages. Findings: We constructed and justified algorithms for experimental evaluation for the lower bound of maximum number of messages for two particular models of interceptions: the model of uniform random interception with fixed number for coordinates of the message-signature pairs, represented as a vector, and a model for interception of messages over channel with erasures with a fixed probability of interception for one symbol. We present the results of calculations for specific implementations of the considered protection scheme. Originality/value: The results of the current research besides the considered spoofing protection scheme can be also used in another schemes of data protection. For example, these results could be useful in experimental analysis of the strength of scheme that protects confidentiality of the data with code noising against multiple interceptions.

[full text]
Keywords: protection from spoofing messages, multiple partial interception, code noising

Gazaryan Jury Olegovich
Position: Student
Office: South Federal University
Address: 344006, Russia, Rostov, Bol'shaya Sadovaya st., 105/42

Kosolapov Yury Vladimirovich
Position: Associate Professor
Office: South Federal University
Address: 344006, Russia, Rostov, Bol'shaya Sadovaya st., 105/42
SPIN-code: 8308-5636

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Bibliography link:
Gazaryan J.O., Kosolapov Y.V. On the experimental estimation of the lower bound for the maximum number of messages in a scheme aimed at data protection against spoofing // Computational technologies. 2015. V. 20. ¹ 6. P. 5-21
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