Article information

2016 , Volume 21, ¹ 2, p.88-97

Shanin S.A., Knyazeva A.G.

On the numerical solution of non-isothermal multicomponent diffusion with variable coefficients

Purpose. The numerical implementation of the coupling models of multicomponent diffusion requires the development of special numerical algorithms which take into account the interrelation between several physical phenomena with different temporal and spatial scales. Traditional algorithms for numerical implementation for similar models are unstable and lead to the negative concentrations. The main object of this work is to develop an algorithm for solving the equation system of multicomponent diffusion with coefficients that could change sign thus leading to the ill-posed problem.

Methodology. The basic idea of the suggested algorithm consists in the determination of critical concentration coinciding which the solubility limit. Mathematically, the concentration equaling to critical one leads to the uncertainty of the type “zero to infinity”. Using the L’Hospital rule we obtain the diffusion equation, which correctly describes the diffusion in the vicinity of solubility limit and eliminate the appearance of negative values for concentrations.

Findings. As a result, the developed algorithm for the numerical investigation of the problem was implemented numerically. It was shown that the separation of the feature leads to the replacement of the parabolic diffusion equation with the equation of the third order that is correct in a small vicinity of a critical concentration. The examples of numerical solution are presented for the problem of the evolution of coating composition during deposition.

[full text]
Keywords: multicomponent diffusion , cross effects, associated model

Shanin Sergey Alexandrovish
Position: Senior Fellow
Office: Tomsk Polytechnic University
Address: 634050, Russia, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 30
Phone Office: (3822)421480

Knyazeva Anna Georgievna
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Tomsk Polytechnic University
Address: 634050, Russia, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 30
Phone Office: (3822)701777

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Bibliography link:
Shanin S.A., Knyazeva A.G. On the numerical solution of non-isothermal multicomponent diffusion with variable coefficients // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. ¹ 2. P. 88-97
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