Article information

2016 , Volume 21, Special issue, p.82-93

Potanin V.G., Aleynikov A.F.

Application of GIS in agriculture: evolution and prospects

Purpose. To analyze the development of GIS process for agricultural problems and reveal its trends.

Findings. Agriculture, represents a large class of spatial objects and to this end it is inevitably involved in the process of development of these systems. However, this process is quite peculiar, with special features. Very soon it became clear that a certain part of the broad capabilities of GIS tools is unnecessary for agricultural tasks, and the rest, despite of its high utility does not achieve the desired result. Therefore, it became necessary to develop special programs (in the form of blocks, working together with GIS), which are carried out in practice.

In the future, this question remains expanding to the development of new specialized algorithms and software and for more accurate and clear focus of the recommendations on the use of agricultural resources for a particular area to achieve quantitative forecast results. Rationality of GIS applications in other areas of agricultural activity is also shown. It is essential that the public authorities, and not only the manufacturers themselves to estimate the volume of introduced chemicals were guided only by economic interests. The development of genetic engineering and appearance of genetically modified crops for industrial purposes also requires the control of their production down to a specific level. Current rating status of irrigated agriculture in connection with the results of various methods of management is presented. Based on the graphic representation of the dynamics of the progress of vegetation index (NDVI) we rationally analyze the possibility of specialization defined by product areas and so on.

Conclusion. Since 1998, geoinformation systems are beginning to be used in scientific and industrial areas of agriculture. Thus, in accordance with the urgent need to deploy the development of specialized programs, working together with GIS is arising. From the analysis of the process for development of geographic information systems in agriculture and the literature reflecting longterm objectives of agriculture, the tendencies of the further use of GIS in the agricultural sector are revealed.

[full text]
Keywords: geographic information systems, land recourses, environmental conditions, management, economic effect

Potanin Veniamin Grigoryevich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 630501, Russia, Krasnoobsk
Phone Office: (383) 3484464
SPIN-code: 7390-9305

Aleynikov Alexander Fedorovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Siberian federal scientific center of biotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 630501, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 3483460
SPIN-code: 6885-7554

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Bibliography link:
Potanin V.G., Aleynikov A.F. Application of GIS in agriculture: evolution and prospects // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. Special issue: Information technologies, systems and equipment in agroindustrial complex. P. 82-93
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