Article information

2016 , Volume 21, Special issue, p.41-52

Bobrova T.N., Kolpakova L.A., Lapchenko E.A., Isakova S.P.

The application of information technologies for planning of grain production

Purpose.Increasing efficiency of agriculture production for planning for plant growing with application of information technologies.

Methodology. Research methods such as collecting of intuitive and economic information, system analysis and computer programming were employed to increase the performance of plant growing. The methodological base of research was composed by the studies of Russian and foreign scientists that are devoted tothe application of information technologies in plant growing.

Findings. The computer program“Program complex for support of machine agrotechnology for crop production of spring wheat PICAT”, hereinafter referred to as the program complex, was developed for management decision support and operative planning of agricultural enterprise in the Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SibFTI). The program complex was developed using a deployment of remote access technologies in the web-application format. The mathematical model developed in SibFTI for selection of optimal structure of machineries and tractors park that takes into account performance of the workloads under the conditions of personnel restrictions is proposed. We recommend agrotechnical rules with the minimum factor cost observing the agrotechnical conditions that are taken as the main principle of the program complex. The program complex consists of the following program components: automated formation of worksheets, automatedselection of techniques, differentiation of access to programs of users on a site, editor, database, generation of reports (graphic output of results).

Originality/value.Application of the program complex allows to essentially decrease the workload for planning and to increase the efficiency of management for decision making. It also reduces probability of the performance field works along with the rational usage of human resources of the agricultural enterprise.

[full text]
Keywords: information technologies, output of plant growing products, machineries and tractors park, agrotechnical terms, manpower resources

Bobrova Tatyana Nikiforovna
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Siberian Federal Scientific Center for Agro-BioTechnologies
Address: 630501, Russia, Krasnoobsk, post office box 463
Phone Office: (383) 3485891
SPIN-code: 1157-6990

Kolpakova Lyubov Alexandrovna
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Siberian Federal Scientific Center for Agro-BioTechnologies
Address: 630501, Russia, Krasnoobsk, post office box 463
Phone Office: (383) 3485891
SPIN-code: 4853-9302

Lapchenko Elena Andreevna
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Siberian Federal Scientific Center for Agro-BioTechnologies
Address: 630501, Russia, Krasnoobsk, post office box 463
Phone Office: (383) 3485891
SPIN-code: 3682-3587

Isakova Svetlana Pavlovna
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Siberian Federal Scientific Center for Agro-BioTechnologies
Address: 630501, Russia, Krasnoobsk, post office box 463
Phone Office: (383) 3485891
SPIN-code: 8199-2675

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Bibliography link:
Bobrova T.N., Kolpakova L.A., Lapchenko E.A., Isakova S.P. The application of information technologies for planning of grain production // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. Special issue: Information technologies, systems and equipment in agroindustrial complex. P. 41-52
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