Article information

2016 , Volume 21, Special issue, p.27-40

Aleynikov A.F., Palchikova I.G., Smirnov E.S.

Evaluation of the poultry meat quality by analyzing its color characteristics

Purpose.A digital video recorder has beendeveloped to perform the color test for grading the raw poultry meat. The device enables to evaluate freshness of raw meat and its quality characteristics. Structural arrangement features of the experimental colorimetric apparatus have been examined. Image acquisition and digital image processing are used for finding visual attributes of meat samples.

Methology. The algorithm of calculations is based on the theory of image processing. We have developed the softwarefor the evaluation of the meat quality signs according to color images of its samples, which enables determining the mean values of a dominant wavelength and saturation, as well as their deviations over selected area for a digital image for a sample.

Novelty. One of the essential distinctive features of the developed algorithm is the thresholding procedure, which eliminates the low-informative points from the selected image area. The output of two-dimensional maps and threedimensional distributions for calculated values of the dominant wavelength and the saturation for each point (pixel) of the digital image are provided. The special correcting procedure for the algorithm of the dominant wavelength calculation is elaborated. The calibration of the color analyzer and the program was realized on the basis of the color standard atlas and the spectral light from the optical monochromator. The proposed procedure enhances the accuracy of the calculation of spectral colors up to ±2.5 nm in the range of 380-645 nm. The analyzer not only determines the quantitative color parameters of meat samples, but also enables to control their changes in time with high accuracy.

Findings.We verified device with meat samples produced at poultry plants. Experimental results demonstrated the significant differences in dominant wavelengths for meat samples of broilers, andthey indicated the real storage time of meat.

[full text]
Keywords: raw meat, quality grade, color characteristics of meat, colorimetry, digital image

Aleynikov Alexander Fedorovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Siberian federal scientific center of biotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 630501, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 3483460
SPIN-code: 6885-7554

Palchikova Irina Georgievna
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Technological Design Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering Siberian Branch RAS, Novosibirsk State University
Address: 630058, Russia, Novosibirsk, 41, Russkaya str.
Phone Office: (383) 3065874
SPIN-code: 1716-4143

Smirnov Evgenii Sergeevich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Federal State government-financed organization Technological Design Institue of Scientific Instrument Engineering Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 630058, Russia, Novosibirsk, 41, Russkaya str.
Phone Office: (383) 3065874
SPIN-code: 3286-2250

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Bibliography link:
Aleynikov A.F., Palchikova I.G., Smirnov E.S. Evaluation of the poultry meat quality by analyzing its color characteristics // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. Special issue: Information technologies, systems and equipment in agroindustrial complex. P. 27-40
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