Article information

2016 , Volume 21, Special issue, p.94-103

Seroklinov G.V., Gunko A.V.

Information technology in the study of plant biopotentials under the action of stressors

It is possible to estimate resistance of plants to stressful factors of the environment (high and low temperatures, salinization, etc.) on change of biological potentials of plants. For cereal cultures the existence of differences at action of stress factors allows to estimate resistance to stress of various grades by value of these signals at a stage of their creation.

Purpose. As it is noted in the value of biological potentials of the higher plants varies in the range from units up to tens of millivolts. Therefore the measurement of biological potentials of plants it is expedient to use the automated system that containing measuring amplifier and providing dynamic fixing of the measured electric signal. It is necessary to develop a number of algorithms for carrying out a pretreatment of large quantity of the saved-up experimental data.

Methodology. The pilot researches were carried out with use of the automated system of “AvtoEkspI”. For researches were used one - two week sprouts of cereal cultures (wheat and barley) which are grown up on a hydroponics. The influence of change of temperature on biological potentials of plants was estimated. The algorithm of measurement provided fixation within 160 seconds of the changing signals of a biological potential and temperature.

Findings. As a result of the processing which is carried out in the environment of Matlab the digital filtration of the received biological potential signals was executed, the centered realization is received, mean values of the established signal with application of the algorithms using vector operations are calculated. As a result of the carried-out statistical processing were defined: mean value of an absolute value of a biological potential of sprouts, its average deviation and its dispersion. From the submitted data it is visible that the least reaction of a plant to action of a stress factor has a grade of “Acha”. The largest level of a signal has a grade the “Biom”. According to the data provided in the descriptions of these grades, “Acha” characterizes as drought-resistant, and the “Biom” - not resistant.

Conclusion. As a result of the conducted researches dependence of values of biological potentials on resistance of a grade of barley to a drought was shown.

[full text]
Keywords: biological potential, cereals, stressors, temperature, filtration, vector operations, chloride salinization

Seroklinov Gennady Vasiljevich
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 630501, Russia, Krasnoobsk
Phone Office: (383)3484719
SPIN-code: 9843-9027

Gunko Andrey Vasiljevich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Office: Novosibirsk State Technical University
Address: 630073, Russia, Novosibirsk, K. Marx ave., 20
Phone Office: (383)3461119
SPIN-code: 9452-7897

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Bibliography link:
Seroklinov G.V., Gunko A.V. Information technology in the study of plant biopotentials under the action of stressors // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. Special issue: Information technologies, systems and equipment in agroindustrial complex. P. 94-103
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