Article information

2017 , Volume 22, ¹ 1, p.25-36

Likhachev A.V.

Investigation of projection data recursive filtration for ROI-tomography problem

Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to improve the quality of images reconstructed from truncated data for ROI-tomography. Methodology. The proposed approach is to apply a new method of filteringdimensional projections, based on the imaging area of interest. The opportunity of replacing the ramp-filter digital recursive filter of the first order is investigated. Its frequency response is calculated on the basis of the Z-transform. Each truncated projection is presented as the production of full projection and the rectangular pulse of corresponding width. Its Fourier-image is determined according to the convolution theorem. The algorithm for the estimation of the digital filter coefficients is developed from the equality of frequency characteristics at certain points. The algorithm accounts the size of the area of the interest. The filter properties are studied by means of computational experiments. Findings. The impulse response of the recursive filter was found to be much narrower compared to that of a well-known approximation of the ramp-filter proposed by Shepp and Logan. It therefore provides less influence of unknown projections areas on the resulting image. Normalized root mean square error of reconstruction for it is 40-70 %. At the same time for the Shepp-Logan algorithm it reaches some hundreds percent when the size of the area of interest is small. The use of model data, containing additive Gaussian white noise, shows a high stability of the method. Originality. New adoptive algorithm for ROI-tomography is developed. The greatest effect from its usage is obtained when the area of interest is small relative to the investigated object. Under these conditions, the algorithm may significantly improve the reconstruction quality compared with standard tomographic algorithms.

[full text]
Keywords: two-dimensional tomography, region of interest, digital recursive filtering of projections

Likhachev Alexey Valerievich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Institute of Automation and Electrometry Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Academician Koptug ave. 1
Phone Office: (383) 330 82 43
SPIN-code: 4283-4592

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Bibliography link:
Likhachev A.V. Investigation of projection data recursive filtration for ROI-tomography problem // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. ¹ 1. P. 25-36
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