Article information

2017 , Volume 22, ¹ 2, p.67-84

Vorontsova E.A.

Linear tolerance problem for input-output models with interval data

The paper considers economic input-output models proposed by W. Leontief. Inputoutput models are subject to uncertainty. The values of the technical coefficients of input-output models are usually evaluated with interval uncertainty. The final demand vector is also not precisely known and became an interval vector. Solution of linear tolerance problem (LTP) for input-output models is useful in predicting how various industrial sectors of the national (or regional) economy respond to changes in economic activity.

For the interval linear system 𝐴𝑥 = 𝑏, the LTP requires inner evaluation of the tolerable solution set formed by all point vectors 𝑥 such that the product 𝐴𝑥 remains within interval vector 𝑏 for all possible point matrix 𝐴 within interval matrix 𝐴.

A method based on the S.P. Shary’s recognizing functional (RF) of the tolerable solution set is applied to the problem of recognizing the solvability (emptyness or nonemptyness of the solution set) of the LTP for input-output models. A key step in the RF method is to solve the non-smooth concave maximization problem. The separating planes method (SPM) with additional clipping is proposed for the approximate numerical solution for different types of non-smooth optimization problem with convex structure. The latter problem can be reformulated as the computation of the convex conjugate functional value at the origin. SPM with clippings is a new effective black-box optimization method.

The applications presented in this paper show how forecasting the development of regional economy on the basis of input-output tables can be done by means of RF method, SPM with clippings and N.Z. Shor’s r-algorithm. Results of numerical experiments are presented in the test case of economic modelling for Primorsky Krai region (Russian Federation). The results of computational experiments have shown the effectiveness of SMP with clippings and have confirmed the advantages of the RF method compared to other methods for solution of LTP problems.

[full text]
Keywords: interval system of linear algebraic equations, linear interval tolerance problem, input-output model, recognizing functional, separating planes methods, nonsmooth optimization, regional economy

Vorontsova Evgeniya Alexeevna
Position: Senior Fellow
Office: Far Eastern Federal University
Address: 690950, Russia, Vladivostok, 8, Suhanova

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Bibliography link:
Vorontsova E.A. Linear tolerance problem for input-output models with interval data // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. ¹ 2. P. 67-84
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