Article information

2017 , Volume 22, ¹ 2, p.85-98

Kumkov S.I., Ignatenkova L.A.

Interval approach to estimation of stability for characteristics of standard samples

We consider the problem for estimation of the stability for characteristics of a standard sample (SS), either still in use or expired. Due to operation, the characteristics of the sample are subject to “ageing”, that is falling out of the assigned bounds. This process can be described by instability model - a function containing parameters of the sample, which include the certified value of its characteristic and the uncertainty of this value. During the useful life of the standard sample we measure the value of its certified characteristic. The deviation from the accumulated set of measurements is then estimated. The question on whether to exploit or not the standard sample any further is resolved based on the discrepancy between the measured and the certified values. However, in practice, any information about the probabilistic distribution of the errors is unavailable. In addition, the instability model is not known either. Hence, it is hardly possible to strictly substantiate the use of the standard statistical methods for estimating the stability characteristics of the standard sample, thus these techniques can only be applied formally. Under such conditions, the use of methods of interval analysis is a reasonable complement to already existing techniques that evaluate the stability of characteristics. Interval methods for constructing the feasible parameter set do not require information on the probabilistic distribution of errors, they only rely on the process of instability model and two-sided error bounds. The resulting set of feasible parameter values is called information set. We use it to calculate the predicted values for the characteristic of the standard sample and, accordingly, the predicted errors of this value.

[full text]
Keywords: standard sample, certified value, certified value error, instability model, feasible parameter values, information set, feasible dependency tube

Kumkov Sergei Ivanovich
PhD. , Senior Scientist
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UrB RAS
Address: 620990, Russia, Ekaterinburg, S. Kvalevskaya str., 16
Phone Office: (343) 374 83 32
SPIN-code: 3469-2439

Ignatenkova Larisa Arkadievna
Position: Director
Office: Sertimet Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 6200990, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Pervomayskaya str., 91
Phone Office: (343) 362 33 97
SPIN-code: 1572-0269

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Bibliography link:
Kumkov S.I., Ignatenkova L.A. Interval approach to estimation of stability for characteristics of standard samples // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. ¹ 2. P. 85-98
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