Article information

2017 , Volume 22, Special issue, p.4-12

Baranov A.V., Tikhomirov A.I.

Scheduling of jobs in a territorially distributed computing system with absolute priorities

This study adresses research and design of approaches and algorithms for scheduling of jobs with absolute priorities and unpredictable run time in a territorially distributed computing system (TDCS). To this purpose, authors designed and researched the TDCS model comprising of several high-performance computing (HPC) clusters united by communication channels with variable bandwidth. Both local and global levels of management are reviewed in the model. On a local level, jobs go through a local cluster queue to be run on a single HPC cluster. On a global level, jobs go through the global TDCS queue with global scheduler submitting jobs to one of local cluster queues. Jobs have absolute priorities. High priority job is able to interrupt execution of a low priority job and return it to the queue. Minimizing of the staying time for high priority jobs is the goal of the global scheduler. The researched model was implemented as a prototype of the TDCS. The decentralized dispatching scheme and the scheduling algoritm were designed for the prototype. Algorithm distributes jobs to the HPC clusters considering performance, workload of clusters that consider and bandwidth of cluster communication channels were presented. The pilot operation of the prototype was done successfully.

In authors opinion following provisions and results were obtained: for the model of TDCS with absolute prioritization and for the decentralized dispatching scheme and the algorithm of scheduling jobs with absolute priorities

[full text]
Keywords: grid, absolute priorities, resource management, running time, scheduling

Baranov Anton Viktorovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Joint Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 119334, Russia, Moscow, 32a, Leninsky Prospect
Phone Office: (495) 954-02-21
SPIN-code: 3595-7482

Tikhomirov Artem Igorevich
Position: researcher
Office: Joint Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 119334, Russia, Moscow, 32a, Leninsky Prospect
Phone Office: (495) 954-02-21

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Bibliography link:
Baranov A.V., Tikhomirov A.I. Scheduling of jobs in a territorially distributed computing system with absolute priorities // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. XVII All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists on Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology​. P. 4-12
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