Article information

2017 , Volume 22, Special issue, p.75-86

Samoshkin A.S., Tikhomirov V.M.

Mathematical model of reinforced concrete deformation with considering contact interaction of its structural components

Reinforced concrete is a composite material. Its structural components have a different character deformation character. Mechanical interaction with concrete reinforcement is associated with complex processes: such as short-term creep, plastic deformation and damage.

In this paper the objective was to create a mathematical model of a structurally inhomogeneous material and its numerical realization ofusing the finite element method (FEM). To simplify the taskproblem of the contact between the armature and concrete is entereda contact layer (CL).) was entered. This approach allowed us to consider concrete as a solid heterogeneous environment with ideal contact. Developed theThe procedure for identification of the model parameters was developed.

The action of reinforcement and concrete materials were described by the plasticity theory of Von Mises and Drucker-Prager. Mechanical properties of the contact layer arewere determined by the pull-out test date.

Finite element analysis is implemented in the software package COSMOSM. FEM procedures are used for solving nonlinear problems of solid mechanics. Have been resolved the The problem of pulling the profiled reinforcement from concrete and reinforced concrete beam bending has been resolved.

Is shown that the mathematical model adequately describes the interaction of reinforcement and concrete and reproduces the real deformation of reinforced concrete structures. The model is limited by the assumption that sealing length must be greater than the nonlinear deformation of the contact layer zone. This leads to the conclusion abouton the correctness of the proposed regulations.

[full text]
Keywords: reinforced concrete, interaction fiber reinforcement with concrete, elastoplastic material

Samoshkin Anton Sergeevich
Position: Student
Office: Siberian Transport University
Address: 630049, Russia, Novosibirsk, 191, Dusy Kovalchuk st.
Phone Office: (383) 328-05-42
SPIN-code: 3816-2586

Tikhomirov Victor Mikhaylovich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Siberian Transport University
Address: 630049, Russia, Novosibirsk, 191, Dusy Kovalchuk st.
Phone Office: (383) 328-05-42
SPIN-code: 6662-1441

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Bibliography link:
Samoshkin A.S., Tikhomirov V.M. Mathematical model of reinforced concrete deformation with considering contact interaction of its structural components // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. XVII All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists on Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology​. P. 75-86
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