Article information

2018 , Volume 23, ¹ 6, p.94-106

Takmazian A.K., Shabunin A.B.

Application of the optimal network flow method to the problem of locomotive selection for freight trains on the Eastern Polygon

The selection of traction resources (locomotives) for the transport of freight trains is modelled. The input data are the train route, the readiness time of the train for departure, the average speed and weight of the train. In addition, there are many locomotives with a carrying capacity and an area of permitted action. The research objective is to optimally select a resource for each segment of the train route. The solution is sought by the resource flow method of the minimum total cost through a specially designed network. The network includes edges created from train schedule segments whose filling means locomotive assignment to train at the segment, and special alternative edges, passing through which a locomotive alternates its assignment. The algorithm for finding the optimal solution is the method of pushing through the pre-flow proposed by A. Goldberg and R. Tarjan. This is one of the fastest algorithms converging to a global optimum. Two test cases were investigated: a trivial one, out of six trains and three locomotives, and a more complicated one, which is a model example the size of 10% of the full scale model and consists of 150 trains. Full scale calculations provide planning of the freight transportation on the Eastern Operational domain of the Russian Railways. The model includes 1800 locomotives and about 3000 trains on the time horizon of 48 hours. Solution is found in less than 5 minutes of processor time for a PC powered by Intel(R) Pentium(R) G2010 2.80 GHz processor.

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Keywords: freight trains, locomotive-to-train assignment, scheduling problem, alternative graph, minimum cost flow, real-time calculations

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2018.23.6.009

Takmazian Andrey Kurkenovich
Office: Institute of Mechanics Lomonosov Moscow State University, Research and Design Institute for Information Technology, Signaling and Telecommunications on Railway Transport
Address: 119192, Russia, Moscow

Shabunin Alexander Borisovich
Office: Research and Design Institute for Information Technology, Signaling and Telecommunications on Railway Transport
Address: 107996, Russia, Moscow

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Bibliography link:
Takmazian A.K., Shabunin A.B. Application of the optimal network flow method to the problem of locomotive selection for freight trains on the Eastern Polygon // Computational technologies. 2018. V. 23. ¹ 6. P. 94-106
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