Article information

2019 , Volume 24, ¹ 1, p.28-41

Agayan S.M., Bogoutdinov S.R., Ivanchenko O.V., Kamaev D.A.

Regression derivatives and their application for registration of a tsunami wave arrival by sea-level records

The research addresses the possibility of application of the methods of discrete mathematical analysis to develop a procedure for recording tsunami wave arrival on the base of the operational data for measuring sea level. As a basis for constructing a tsunami wave registration procedure, this research uses a schematization of the actions of the oceanographer on-duty during visual analysis of the sea level records. The task of automatic registration of a tsunami wave by sea level recording arises in various situations of information support of the oceanographer on duty. Requirements for the processing of sea level records depend on the situation. The structure of a discrete time series is closely related to the properties of the described process. As part of the discrete mathematical analysis, there are several approaches to the analysis of the structure of discrete series: geometric measures, dynamic corridors and the trend concept. For a discrete time series, given in the general case on an irregular grid, the regression derivative is closely related to the nature of the trend: the areas of its positive (negative) values correspond to the increasing (decreasing) trends, and the boundaries between them are extremes. The content of this research is a presentation of data processing techniques using regression derivatives, constructing data processing procedures based on derivatives, as well as a demonstration of their applicability to the problem of recording tsunami wave arrival according to the measuring of sea level.

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Keywords: discrete mathematical analysis, regression derivative, secular trend, tsunami wave

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2019.24.1.003

Agayan Sergey Martikovich
Position: General Scientist
Office: Geophysical center of the Russian academy of sciences
Address: 119296, Russia, Moscow, Molodezhnaya St. 3
Phone Office: (495) 930-05-46
SPIN-code: 7315-6936

Bogoutdinov Shamil Rafekovich
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Geophysical center of the Russian academy of sciences
Address: 119296, Russia, Moscow, Molodezhnaya St. 3
Phone Office: (495) 930-05-46
SPIN-code: 8322-5710

Ivanchenko Olga Vasilyevna
Position: Assistent
Office: Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering
Address: 249040, Russia, Obninsk, Studgorodok 1
Phone Office: (484) 39-7-94-90
SPIN-code: 9458-2070

Kamaev Dmitry Alfredovich
Office: Research and Production Association "Typhoon"
Address: 249038, Russia, Obninsk, Pobedy, 4, str.
Phone Office: (48439) 71655
SPIN-code: 6396-4544

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Bibliography link:
Agayan S.M., Bogoutdinov S.R., Ivanchenko O.V., Kamaev D.A. Regression derivatives and their application for registration of a tsunami wave arrival by sea-level records // Computational technologies. 2019. V. 24. ¹ 1. P. 28-41
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