Article information

2019 , Volume 24, ¹ 2, p.37-51

Voltzinger N.E., Androsov A.A.

Extreme nonhydrostatic tidal dynamics

Modelling of long-wave oceanological processes is traditionally performed in a hydrostatic (Hs) approximation, which ensures high accuracy of the calculation of hydrophysical fields, when the vertical acceleration of vertical motion can be neglected. In mountainous terrain, this is not the case, and consideration of the dynamic pressure component becomes necessary. Non-hydrostatic (Nh) modelling of large-scale oceanological phenomena is implemented by solving hydrodynamic boundary value problem in an arbitrary 3D domain. The structure of the method consists of the stages of solving the Hs problem, the boundary value problem for the Poisson equation (Nh), and the correction of the fields of hydrophysical characteristics. That is the pressure is presented as a sum of its hydrostatic and dynamical components. Significance of Nh is revealed when considering the dimensionless type of equations, when dimensionless parameters characterize the mountain relief of the region. The Lombok Strait having a complex morphometric structure is an important link in the water exchange between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, it has been chosen as the object for modelling. Estimates of the role of Nh in water exchange between the oceans are given using the comparison of the solution for problems in Hs and Nh sets. It indicates the need to take into account Nh in conditions of pronounced sea mountain relief.

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Keywords: hydrostatics, nonhydrostatic, sea mountain relief, zoning of nonhydrostatic subareas, 3D boundary problem, Lombok Strait

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2019.24.2.004

Voltzinger Naum Evseevich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 117997, Russia, Moscow, 36, Nakhimovskiy prospekt
SPIN-code: 3243-7163

Androsov Alexey Anatolievich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory for Numerical Experiments on Ocean Dynamics
Address: 117997, Russia, Moscow, 36, Nakhimovskiy prospekt
SPIN-code: 5487-1249

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Bibliography link:
Voltzinger N.E., Androsov A.A. Extreme nonhydrostatic tidal dynamics // Computational technologies. 2019. V. 24. ¹ 2. P. 37-51
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