Article information

2020 , Volume 25, ¹ 2, p.22-35

Donskoy I.G.

Mathematical modelling of the agglomeration in a reactive porous medium with variable permeability

Thermal processing of waste is usually carried out in fixed-bed reactors. Complex thermochemical behavior of individual components can lead to a decrease in technical and environmental efficiency. One of the problems is the bed agglomeration and formation of zones with decreasing permeability. The paper proposes a method of numerical simulation of porous media with physicochemical processes, which change permeability. Initial formulation proposes this process to be considered as melting of distributed particles in a stochastic media. The melting rate is controlled by heating of the selected element, and its local permeability changes during a phase transition. To solve this problem, numerical algorithm is developed on the basis of splitting methods. This algorithm was used to find a solution for system of non-stationary partial differential equations in two-dimensional case. The data on multiple calculations for different configurations are averaged to compare modelling results. The simulation results show that increasing the fraction of particles of the melting component leads to the significant change of the dynamic and stationary filtration regimes. The reduction in stationary flow rate is exponential function of the fraction of the melting particles. The dynamics of gas flow is also sensitive to the melting particles fraction, within the range of 5–10 % there is a rather sharp transition from a gradual (almost linear) decrease of flow in time to a sharp one, which is close to exponential behaviour. The resulting calculations for the critical fraction are compared with the measured data published for the case of combustion of mixtures with sintering fuel particles (polymers). Further work will address the modification of the model to describe waste incineration, namely, taking into account the pyrolysis and oxidation processes, three-dimensional formulation, etc.

[full text]
Keywords: biomass, solid fuel, single particle, fixed bed, pyrolysis, transfer processes, agglomeration, clinckering

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2020.25.2.003

Donskoy Igor Gennadyevich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Melentiev Institute of Energy Systems SB RAS
Address: 664033, Russia, Irkutsk, 130 Lermontova st.
Phone Office: (3952)500-646
SPIN-code: 9616-0926


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Bibliography link:
Donskoy I.G. Mathematical modelling of the agglomeration in a reactive porous medium with variable permeability // Computational technologies. 2020. V. 25. ¹ 2. P. 22-35
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