Article information
2020 , Volume 25, ¹ 3, p.99-110
Avdeenko T.V., Mezentsev Y.A.
Document clustering based on the semantic matrix of relationships for conceptual indexing
Purpose. The purpose of this work is to develop a method for document clustering based on conceptual indexing with the help of knowledge taxonomy. Methodology. Solving the problem of document clustering involves two fundamental stages. The first stage is preprocessing of a text document and representing it as a data table suitable for subsequent application of data analysis methods. The second stage is actually the optimization of clustering algorithm, which allows achieving optimal partitioning of the document collection in order to achieve, on the one hand, compactness of clusters, on the other hand, distinctness of clusters. We suggest a new approach to conceptual indexing of documents by transformation of a set of key terms to a weighted set of concepts for a certain hierarchical knowledge model of the application domain. The semantic matrix of document relationships with taxonomy concepts obtained as a result of the approach can be used as a data matrix for solving the clustering problem. For this purpose, we propose an original approach that uses the formalization of an NP-hard mixed programming problem, decomposition, and step-by-step solution that reduces its complexity. Results. As an example of applying the proposed approach, we consider the problem of clustering of 120 documents using 20 features that are terminal concepts of taxonomy. The result of direct clustering across 10 clusters did not guarantee closeness to the optimum, which caused the need for decomposition. The decomposition was carried out according to a two-stage hierarchical scheme: the first stage is the allocation of 2 clusters, the second stage is a sequential 5-clustering of each of the subsets formed at the first stage. The final result of clustering with two-step decomposition was about 20 percent better than the original one. Findings. The results of calculations confirmed the prospects of an optimization approach for clustering documents using a semantic matrix of relationships and revealed computational problems. In particular, the necessity of developing special computing tools and improving the formal statements themselves for reducing the overall complexity of calculations was revealed
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Keywords: document clustering, conceptual indexing, taxonomy, ontology, mixed integer programming, NP-hard problem
doi: 10.25743/ICT.2020.25.3.011
Author(s): Avdeenko Tatiana Vladimirovna Dr. , Professor Position: Professor Office: Novosibirsk State Technical University Address: 630073, Russia, Novosibirsk, 20, prospekt K. Marksa
E-mail: SPIN-code: 1085-2099Mezentsev Yuriy Anatolyevich Dr. , Associate Professor Position: Professor Office: Novosibirsk State Technical University Address: 630087, Russia, Novosibirsk, Karl Marx Ave. 20
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