Article information

2020 , Volume 25, ¹ 4, p.83-98

Kostornaya A.A., Rublev A.N., Golomolzin V.V.

The determination of the total atmospheric water vapor content over the oceans using the MTVZA-GY microwave radiometer measurements

The determination of the total atmospheric water vapor content over the cloudless ocean using the MTVZA-GY measurements in microwave range is described. The microwave scanning radiometer MTVZA-GY is located on the Russian meteorological satellites “Meteor-M” and outgoing radiation of the surface-atmosphere system is measured in 29 channels. To calculate the integrated water vapor, the adaptive searching of the optimal set of channels using regression analysis was proposed. Frequencies that are not related to water-vapor absorption lines are used as predictors. The minimum of total approximation error was obtained for selected channels and corresponding regression coefficients values. The quality control of retrieval integrated water vapor (kg/m2) was conducted with the help of the set of atmospheric profiles obtained by M. Matricardi and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis as a priori data using the proposed method. Standard deviations (RMS) obtained by determined adaptive search for the predictors are about 3 kg/m2. Application of the method for cloudless water areas allowed finding a set of 6 channels MTVZA GY (18.7H, 23.8V, 23.8H, 57+0.32+0.025H, 57+0.32+0.01H è 183+1.4V) for which the RMS values are minimal — 4.4 kg/m2. The use of all channels of the device in the search allows reducing the error in determining the integrated water vapor content. The proposed method for recovering the content of water vapor from measurements in the channels of the MTVZA-GYa device allows an adaptive search for an optimal set of channels for different regions of the globe and find the best combinations for various climatic zones and surface types

[full text]
Keywords: regression analysis, microwave radiation, atmospheric model, MTVZA-GY, integrated water vapor, total atmospheric water vapor content

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2020.25.4.008

Kostornaya Angelika Andreevna
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Siberian Center of State Research Center of Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 630099, Russia, Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya, Str. 30
Phone Office: (383) 363-46-05
SPIN-code: 9275-4228

Rublev Alexey Nikolaevich
Dr. , Senior Scientist
Position: Deputy director
Office: Siberian Center of State Research Center of Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 123242, Russia, Moscow, Bolshoy Predtechenskiy str. 7
Phone Office: (499)795-20-71
SPIN-code: : 1850-1589

Golomolzin Vladimir Victorovich
PhD. , Senior Scientist
Position: Head of Departament
Office: Siberian Center of State Research Center of Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 123242, Russia, Novosibirsk, Sovetskaya, Str. 30
Phone Office: (383)363 46 05
SPIN-code: 9275-1945


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Bibliography link:
Kostornaya A.A., Rublev A.N., Golomolzin V.V. The determination of the total atmospheric water vapor content over the oceans using the MTVZA-GY microwave radiometer measurements // Computational technologies. 2020. V. 25. ¹ 4. P. 83-98
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