Article information

2021 , Volume 26, ¹ 2, p.4-20

Nasibullayev I.S., Darintsev O.V.

Computer 2D modelling of a micro-grip fluid cooling system

Numerical simulation of a micro-grip chamber fluid cooling system is presented. The mathematical models for mass and heat transfer in a fluid, heat exchange between the fluid and the radiator as well as the heat exchange between the radiator and the Peltier element are constructed in a variational form. The equations of hydrodynamics and heat equations were simulated by the finite element method in the FreeFem++ software. The influence of the geometric and physical parameters of the cooling system chamber on the efficiency of the device is determined. It is shown that as the heat transfer coefficient between the radiator and the fluid and the velocity of the coolant increases, the maximum steady-state temperature on the radiator nonlinearly decreases with saturation. When flow of coolant oscillates then the temperature on the radiator so does with the flow frequency. As the flow frequency increases, the amplitude of temperature fluctuations decreases. The increasing amplitude of flow oscillations leads to the amplification of the temperature amplitude. Using orthogonal central compositional method, the influence of the parameters (heat transfer coefficient, fluid velocity) on the efficiency of the cooling system is found, and the contribution of pairwise interaction is determined. Based on the results of numerical modelling, simple analytical formulas are proposed that can be used in the software module of the micro-grip cooling control system.

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Keywords: hydrodynamics, heat transfer, micro-grip, finite element method, orthogonal central composition planpin

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2021.26.2.002

Nasibullayev Ildar Shamilevich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Mavlutov Institute of Mechanics
Address: 450054, Russia, Ufa, Pr. Oktyabrya street, Ufa
Phone Office: (347)2355255
SPIN-code: 9936-2067

Darintsev Oleg Vladimirovich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Mavlutov Institute of Mechanics
Address: 450054, Russia, Ufa, 71, Pr. Oktyabrya street
Phone Office: (347)235-52-55
SPIN-code: 1839-0489

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Bibliography link:
Nasibullayev I.S., Darintsev O.V. Computer 2D modelling of a micro-grip fluid cooling system // Computational technologies. 2021. V. 26. ¹ 2. P. 4-20
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