Article information

2021 , Volume 26, ¹ 5, p.81-94

Snytnikov A.V., Lazareva G.G.

Computational methods of continuum mechanics for exaflop computer systems

The article deals with applied issues which arise when exascale computing are used to solve applied problems. Based on the review of works in this area, the most pressing issues related to exascale calculations are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to software features, algorithms and numerical methods for exaflop supercomputers. The requirements for such programs and algorithms are formulated. Based on the review of existing approaches related to achieving high performance, the main fundamentally different and non-overlapping directions for improving the performance of calculations are highlighted. The question of the necessity for criteria of applicability for computational algorithms for exaflop supercomputers is raised. Currently, the only criterion which is used, demands the absence of a significant drop in efficiency in the transition from a petaflop calculation to a ten-petaflop calculation. In the absence of the possibility of such calculations, simulation modelling can be carried out. Examples of development for new and adaptation of existing algorithms and numerical methods for solving problems of continuum mechanics are given. The fundamental difference between algorithms specially designed for exascale machines and algorithms adapted for exaflops is shown. The analysis of publications has showed that in the field of solving problems of continuum mechanics, the approach not associated with the development of new, but rather with the adaptation of existing numerical methods and algorithms to the architecture of exaflop supercomputers prevails. The analysis of the most popular applications is made. The most relevant application of exaflop supercomputers in this area is computational fluid dynamics. This is because hydrodynamic applications are rich and diverse field. The number of publications indicates that the involvement of high-performance computing now is available and in demand.

[full text]
Keywords: exaflops calculations, mathematical modelling of problems in continuum mechanics, numerical methods

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2021.26.5.007

Snytnikov Aleksey Vladimirovich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, prospect Akademika Lavrentjeva, 6
Phone Office: (383) 330-96-65

Lazareva Galina Gennadievna
Dr. , Correspondent member of RAS, Professor
Office: Peoples Friendship University of Russia
Address: 117198, Russia, Moscow, 6, Miklukho-Maklaya Street

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Bibliography link:
Snytnikov A.V., Lazareva G.G. Computational methods of continuum mechanics for exaflop computer systems // Computational technologies. 2021. V. 26. ¹ 5. P. 81-94
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