Article information

2022 , Volume 27, ¹ 4, p.4-14

Arkhipov B.V., Shapochkin D.A.

Mo delling of salinity p enetration into the Ob bay using curved meshes

The paper considers the problem of salinity penetration into the Ob Bay and the influence of the sea channel in the Ob bar on it. The dimensions of the channel are about 50 km in length, 300–400 min width and 4–5 min depth, while the size of the Gulf of Ob is ab out 800 km in length, ab out 60 km wide and no more than 30 m deep in the northern part. It follows that the complexity of the problem under consideration lies, on the one hand, in the need to connect two spatial scales: a small one, asso ciated with the size of the channel, and a large one, asso ciated with the size of the estuary, and on the other hand, in the need to consider different time scales. Perhaps the only method of solving such a problem is the method of mathematical modelling, which is carried out on the basis of a three-dimensional model of geophysical hydro dynamics, taking into account the turbulent mechanisms of vertical mixing. To take into account the presence of a “small parameter” in the form of a channel, the solution is carried out on a curved orthogonal grid, which is condensed in the channel region. The degree of grid deformation can be estimated by comparing the minimum cell size in the channel area, which is ab out 200 m with the maximum cell size of 30 km or more. The paper compares calculations and observations for the 1993 expedition, additionally compares Cartesian grids with constant steps of 3000 m and 1500 m with calculations on a curved grid with a minimum step of 200 m and 100 m, it is shown that the results in different variants are close. Channel accounting is possible only when using a curved and/or nested grid. The comparison carried out on a curved grid with a channel and without a channel showed that the influence of the channel is not significant and cannot cause a significant restructuring of the salinity field

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Keywords: mathematical mo delling, curved grids, salinity intrusion

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2022.27.4.002

Arkhipov Boris Vitalevich
Office: Federal Research Center Computer Science and Control of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 119333, Russia, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 44, building 2
Phone Office: (495) 1355139
SPIN-code: 4877-9323

Shapochkin Dmitry Alekseevich
Position: Software Engineer
Office: Federal Research Center Computer Science and Control of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 119333, Russia, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 44, building 2
Phone Office: (495) 1355139
SPIN-code: 4877-9323


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Bibliography link:
Arkhipov B.V., Shapochkin D.A. Mo delling of salinity p enetration into the Ob bay using curved meshes // Computational technologies. 2022. V. 27. ¹ 4. P. 4-14
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