Article information

2024 , Volume 29, ¹ 5, p.5-16

Muzaev I.D., Kharebov K.S., Muzaev N.I.

Mathematical modelling of an effective method of selective water intake from the intermediate layer of a three-layer stratified reservoir

The purpose of the article is to develop an effective water intake method for selective water intake from the intermediate layer of a three-layer reservoir with density stratification, where the water is colder by 8–10 ∘C compared to the temperature of the surface layer and at the same time cleaner than in the bottom layer of the reservoir. Methodology of hydrodynamics of vortexfree motion of an ideal incompressible fluid is used. A spatial three-layer contact initial boundary value problem has been set and solved analytically, which mechanically and mathematically models the above-described new method of selective water intake from the intermediate layer. A set of calculation formulas for the laws of oscillation and curvature of the interface of layers is obtained. The novelty of the method relies on the fact that water from all three layers is synchronously taken through three windows arranged on the side of the reservoir so that they fit in one vertical strip symmetrically relative to the initially stationary horizontal planes of the water layers section. Computer experiments have proved that with synchronous water intake from all three windows, the interface surfaces of the layers practically retain their original horizontal positions. In this regard, it becomes possible to selectively take water from the intermediate layer through an intermediate window with a relatively high flow rate. This is the effectiveness of the proposed method of water intake from a stratified reservoir.

Keywords: stratified reservoir, selective water intake, contact initial-boundary value problem, integral Fourier and Laplace transformations, vortex-free motion of an ideal fluid, critical flow

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2024.29.5.002

Muzaev Illarion Davidovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Geophysical Institute of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Scienties
Address: 362002, Russia, Vladikavkaz, 93a, Markov St.
Phone Office: (8672)76-40-31
SPIN-code: 9346-8949

Kharebov Konstantin Sergeevich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Geophysical Institute of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Scienties
Address: 362002, Russia, Vladikavkaz, 93a, Markov St.
Phone Office: (8672)76-40-31
SPIN-code: 4564-8949

Muzaev Nugzar Illarionovich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Center of Geophysical Investigations of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of Republic of North Ossetia -Alania
Address: 362002, Russia, Vladikavkaz, 93a Markov St.,
Phone Office: (8672)76-40-31

Bibliography link:
Muzaev I.D., Kharebov K.S., Muzaev N.I. Mathematical modelling of an effective method of selective water intake from the intermediate layer of a three-layer stratified reservoir // Computational technologies. 2024. V. 29. ¹ 5. P. 5-16
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