Article information

2000 , Volume 5, ¹ 6, p.70-79

Ryabko B.Y., Stognienko V.S., Shokin Y.I.

Experimental study of generators of pseudo-random numbers efficiency based on cryptographic algorithms RC5 and RC6

Making use of cryptographic algorithms RC5 and RC6 is considered as the generators of pseudo-random numbers. The algorithms RC5 and RC6 are briefly described. Practical recommendations for the application are given.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*11K45 Pseudo-random numbers; Monte Carlo methods
65C10 Random number generation
Classificator Computer Science:
*G.3 Probability and Statistics

Keywords: Pseudo-random sequence, The generator of a random number, Statistical criteria, Encoding, pseudo-random number generation, cryptographic algorithm, estimates for discrepancies, discrepancy, estimates, numerical examples, test, tables

Ryabko Boris Yakovlevich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies, Novosibirsk State University
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Academician M.A. Lavrentiev avenue, 6
Phone Office: (383) 334-91-24
SPIN-code: 5580-5794

Stognienko V.S.
Position: Head of Departament
Office: ICT SB RAS
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Academician M.A. Lavrentiev avenue, 6

Shokin Yuriy Ivanovich
Dr. , Academician RAS, Professor
Position: Scientific Director of the Institute
Office: Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Lavrentiev ave., 6
Phone Office: (383) 334 91 10
SPIN-code: 6442-4180

Bibliography link:
Ryabko B.Y., Stognienko V.S., Shokin Y.I. Experimental study of generators of pseudo-random numbers efficiency based on cryptographic algorithms RC5 and RC6 // Computational technologies. 2000. V. 5. ¹ 6. P. 70-79
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