Article information

2000 , Volume 5, ¹ 6, p.20-32

Bautin S.P.

Mathematical description of gas flows, some unsolved problems and unanswered questions

Some of the unsolved problems and unanswered questions have been formulated that researchers encounter in providing the strict mathematical description of gas flows. The first part of the mentioned problems include the flows described by a hyperbolic system of gas dynamics equations. The second group of unsolved problems and unanswered questions is associated with the flows of the viscous heat conducting compressed medium described by the complete system of Navier-Stokes equations (the system of the mixed parabolic and hyperbolic type).

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*76D05 Navier-Stokes equations
76N15 Gas dynamics, general

Keywords: conducting normal gas, complete system of Navier-Stokes equations, hyperbolic system of gas dynamic equations, flow of a compressed viscous heat conducting medium

Bautin Sergey Petrovich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Snezhinsk Institute of Physics and Technology National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Address: 456776, Russia, Snezhinsk, Komsomol str., 8
Phone Office: (343) 221 25 49
SPIN-code: 4343-3821

Bibliography link:
Bautin S.P. Mathematical description of gas flows, some unsolved problems and unanswered questions // Computational technologies. 2000. V. 5. ¹ 6. P. 20-32
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