Article information

2001 , Volume 6, ¹ 1, p.43-51

Pickl S., Weber G.W.

Optimization of a time-discrete nonlinear dynamical system from a problem of ecology. An analytical and numerical approach

This paper is concerned with a mathematical analysis of the nonlinear time-discrete TEM model for environmental protection. Numerical results are presented. As the steady states are not attractive, the necessary introduction of control parameters in the dynamics of the TEM model leads to new results in the field of time-discrete control systems. Furthermore the results give new insights into a Joint-Implementation Program and herewith, they may improve this important economic tool. The steady states of the TEM model can be regarded as limiting values mentioned in Kyoto Protocol.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*49K10 Free problems in two or more independent variables
91A50 Discrete-time games
92D40 Ecology
93C55 Discrete-time systems

Keywords: ecology, time-discrete dynamical system, control problem, optimization

Pickl S.
Address: Germany, Berlin

Weber GerhardW.
Office: Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU
Address: 64289, Turkey, Ankara

Bibliography link:
Pickl S., Weber G.W. Optimization of a time-discrete nonlinear dynamical system from a problem of ecology. An analytical and numerical approach // Computational technologies. 2001. V. 6. ¹ 1. P. 43-51
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