Article information

2001 , Volume 6, ¹ 4, p.31-39

Kurganskaya G.S.

System of adaptable learning via internet on the basis of knowledge flow model

The KFS model of knowledge representation for learning process is considered which allow to solve the following problems:

- To construct a learning course;
- To study a learning course;
- To monitor and to analyze education process as a whole, and observe the situation with each student. The Adaptable Learning System via Internet developed on the basis of formal KFS model of learning material's representation has been described.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*97D40 Teaching methods and classroom techniques. Lesson preparation. Educational principles
97U70 Technological tools (computers, calculators, software, etc.) and their use in the classroom

Keywords: modeling, knowledge representation learning via Internet, algorithm, architecture of a learning system

Kurganskaya Galina S
Office: Irkutsk Sate University
Address: 664003, Russia, Irkutsk

Bibliography link:
Kurganskaya G.S. System of adaptable learning via internet on the basis of knowledge flow model // Computational technologies. 2001. V. 6. ¹ 4. P. 31-39
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