Article information

1996 , Volume 1, ¹ 1, p.8-12

Baganova M.N., Ibragimov A.I.

An alternating method for the solution of the problem on nonstationary percolation in the complex-shaped regions

A weakly compressible flow is considered in a stratum confined by the roof, floor and the feeding contour. This process is reduced to the solution of a mixed problem for the equation of a parabolic type in a divergent form. An efficient method of constructing the solution of a mixed problem in the form of a thermal potential is suggested The method of constructing the solution of the initial boundary value problem in the complex-shaped regions is based on the parabolic analogue of Schwartz alternating algorithm.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*76M25 Other numerical methods
76S05 Flows in porous media; filtration; seepage

Keywords: weak compressible fluid, initial-boundary value problem, source function, alternating Schwarz algorithm

Baganova Marina Nikolaevna
Address: 117917, Russia, Moscow, Leninskii Ave. 63
Phone Office: 930 92 67

Ibragimov Akif Ismail-Oglu
Address: 117917, Russia, Moscow, Lenin ave., 63

Bibliography link:
Baganova M.N., Ibragimov A.I. An alternating method for the solution of the problem on nonstationary percolation in the complex-shaped regions // Computational technologies. 1996. V. 1. ¹ 1. P. 8-12
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