Article information

2000 , Volume 5, Special issue, p.120-127

Ratner V.A.

Self-reproduction of assemblies of macromolecules: comparative analysis of a problem

Macromolecular universal SYstems of SElf-Reproduction (sysers) exemplify the kernel structures of Molecular Genetic Regulatory Systems organization. The types of macromolecular assemblies variously composed are being considered. Moreover, an ability of such an assembly to be the kernel of a system's stable organization is estimated. The following criteria were evaluated: à) synthesis of macromolecules on a base of a template; b) catalysis of molecular processes; c) the presence of a syser; d) upper boundaries restricting the size of coding macromolecules and limiting the catastrophes of mutational and other losses; e) requirements for dynamical, structural, and evolutionary stability. It was shown that (i) ribozyme-replicase may be the basis for an RNA-assembly organization for a short time period and under restriction that the length of RNA fraction does not exceed that of a gene; (ii) syser RNA-protein may be the basis of organization of an assembly with the overall length up to RNA-virus genome; (iii) syser DNA-RNA-protein may serve as a basis of cellular organization with the huge reserves of evolutionary scenarios.

Ratner V.A.
Office: Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS
Address: Russia, Novosibirsk

Bibliography link:
Ratner V.A. Self-reproduction of assemblies of macromolecules: comparative analysis of a problem // Computational technologies. 2000. V. 5. The special issue is devoted to the 10-th anniversary of the Laboratory of Theoretical Genetics of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS. P. 120-127
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