Article information

1997 , Volume 2, ¹ 1, p.84-102

Shary S.P.

A new approach to the analysis of static systems with the interval uncertainty of the data

The paper is devoted to mathematical and computational aspects of the modeling of static systems under interval uncertainty of data: assuming various conditions at the inputs and outputs of the system, we consider the problem of guaranteed estimation of its states. As a formalization of the mathematical problem statement we introduce the concept of generalized solutions ([Java Applet]-solutions) to interval equations. The main result of our work is a new algebraic approach to the inner interval estimation of [Java Applet]-solution sets of the interval equations, its mathematical basis being the change of the initial problem to the problem of finding the algebraic solution to an auxiliary equation in Kaucher complete interval arithmetic.

[full text]

Shary Sergey Petrovich
Dr. , Senior Scientist
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Lavrentiev ave, 6
Phone Office: (3832) 30 86 56
SPIN-code: 9938-9344

Bibliography link:
Shary S.P. A new approach to the analysis of static systems with the interval uncertainty of the data // Computational technologies. 1997. V. 2. ¹ 1. P. 84-102
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