Article information

2002 , Volume 7, ¹ 3, p.44-59

Protopopov B.E.

The motion of a horizontal cylinder in overturning wave

The numerical simulation for the motion of a horizontal cylinder drifting initially under water close to its surface and then captured by the overturning wave is carried out. The following approach has been used: the pressure and velocity fields are calculated, which are generated by the free (without a body) overturning wave, then the cylinder is placed into one of these fields and its motion is determined (disregarding the reverse body effect on water). The trajectories of the cylinder motion are calculated in dependence on its form, size and initial position.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*76B15 Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction
76B25 Solitary waves
76M20 Finite difference methods

Keywords: efficient numerical method, strongly nonlinear water waves, free surface, motion of a rigid body beneath surface waves

Protopopov Boris Egorovich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 333 29 36

Bibliography link:
Protopopov B.E. The motion of a horizontal cylinder in overturning wave // Computational technologies. 2002. V. 7. ¹ 3. P. 44-59
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